My Story

I’m Jenni and I am on a mission to celebrate the happy, beautiful moments we share together and jazz up our homes in the process.

From drawing at my dad’s handmade table, to studying illustration at Uni, I am lucky enough to have enjoyed over ten years in the art industry. My experience of the ups and downs has shaped how I now choose to run my business and I am throwing out the rulebook.

Passionate about redefining it as a friendly and inclusive space, these are the four values I always come back to.

Story-Led.     Inclusive.    Friendly.      Quality

By combining my two favourite things people and painting, I have developed a truly collaborative way of working with you and your stories as the stars of the show. The rich hilarity and honesty you provide is quite simply gorgeous. We all love a good story and you guys always show up! You send them in, I paint them in! Yep, real stories, real moments, real people from all walks of life; there is no judgement here, we are all on this journey together.

My end goal?

Real art for your home that truly celebrates our love of storytelling and what makes us deeply happy. One where you can sit around the table with friends and family, point yourself out in the picture and crack up over a bottle of wine at the decision to buy ‘matchy matchy’ swimming costumes. The only exclusivity being that there are only a limited number printed. A permanent reminder of the complete joy that can be found in life’s simple pleasures and a vibrant piece of art that’s a bold statement of colour, community, and happiness in your home.

When I’m not creating my latest story piece you will find me outside with the kids, telling make up stories about dragons, carrying bikes that they’ve abandoned and with pockets full of questionable treasure. A perfect weekend would be spent on the coast, warming up with cups of coffee, watching the little ones in their element and plotting with my husband about finding and rennovating the next ‘project house’.

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